Let Nature teach us how to hope

As we hunker down and wait for news to end our worries of viruses and toliet paper shortages, we have been lucky enough to enjoy the whispers of springtime. Share your experiences of this awesome season as it pertains to our unique circumstances. Let us learn from Nature Herself as She shows us all that the world does indeed renew and life will emerge fresher and more resplendent than ever.

A Walk at the Park

Everything out here is an amazement.
Every tree has its shape and design, every branch its form and direction,
Every red bud on the maple, a tiny leaf emerging.
The beech are shaking, shaking the dry brittle leaves.
Birches flaunt bark spirals and ringlets like a girl her youth.
Stiff branches overhead squeak and groan like an opening door.
Whole crowns of trees nod and sway, drawing you into the swirl and lean.
The geese and their partners glide on the freed water.
We are of one piece, one fabric.

-Emily Rancier

Orange lilies

Orange goblets of light
Lean toward the sun,
Stretch stiff stems
Up and outward.
Washed down in floods,
Roots take hold under rocks,
Bestow their errant grace
On roadsides, creek banks,
Ancient foundations.
Water, storm, plow
Cannot kill, only transport them.
Rooted in haste, they hold on
With the tenaciousness of immigrants.

-Emily Rancier

Email us your thoughts, stories and poems at: GatheringPlaceCS@gmail.com


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