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COVID-19 DIARIES: MY Mornings Are Late

My mornings are late. I can’t go to Pilates at nine so I sleep in, which is okay because I like sleeping in. I’m not an early morning person after all. So my mornings are late and leisurely because I don’t have to be anywhere at any time. I have no schedule but the one I make for myself each day. I make lots of lists. I make a point still to tie up my hair, put on lipstick and eyeliner. I don’t know why because no one sees me, but I just feel better about myself when I look in the mirror if and when I do, and when I take my walk on the road each day. (That walk is over a half mile so if Lee and I make it to the state park for ‘our’ walk I can usually get in more than a mile a day. A big ‘if’- we probably walk at the park only 4 to 5 times a week). Morning walks provide entertainment and inspiration for the day; that is when I see and hear the birds, and smell and appreciate what’s blooming. I witness the cherry, apple, sumac, poplar, ash, pear and walnut tree leaves and how they cha...

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